A2Billing 1.3 - Help - Create Customers

Open Source Calling Card/Billing for Asterisk

A2Billing 1.3 - Help - Create Customers

โพสต์โดย nuiz » 23 เม.ย. 2010 16:46

Create Customer
The Card number length can be set to whatever length you define in a2billing.conf

The only entries that are required are the balance.

Card Number
Randomly generated number, that should be kept secret. This number is used not only to identify the customer, as well as authenticate to the service. It is advisable not to change this number manually to avoid conflicts.

Card Alias
The Card Alias is a random number which is used to login to the customer's WebUI. The email address can be used as well, as long as it is unique on the system. The Alias is also used as the phone number for calling SIP/IAX friends on the system if this feature has been enabled on a2billing.conf, in order to disguise the card number, This should not be allowed to fall into anyone elses hands. It is advisable not to change it from the default

WebUI Password
The password used to log into the customer web interface, in conjunction with the Card Alias or the Email address as the username. This number is also used when a SIP or IAX friend is created as the secret.

The balance to set up the customer with. This field must be filled in, but it is advisable to set this to 0 and then top up via the refill button under 1-3-ListCustomers. In this way, you can keep track of refills and payments applied to a customer in 1-3-ViewMoneySituation? It is inadvisable to manually change the balance here, as you will have no history as to the payments and refills.

The language for the customer's IVR menus. Note that the languages must be installed for this to work.

Call Plan
The tariff applied to the customer

Subscription Fee
If a subscription is added via 1-3-AddSubscription? then it can be selected here. The customer will be charged mnonthly by the amount of the subscription.

DID Group
The group of DID that the customer can chose from in their WebUI portal.


Call Back
The entry is deprecated, 1-3-CallBack? is setup in another part of the platform.

Whether the card is to be created as active or not.

Sign up Confirmation
It should be set to yes, but has no other effect in this context.

Simultaneous Access
This is a revenue protection measure. Accounts should default to individual access, unless there is a specific reason for setting them to simultaneous access, e.g. in the case where you are terminating a PBX or wholesaling. Smultaneous Access allows multiple calls to be made on the same account at the same time, while individiual access ensures that the customer can only make one call at any one time.

Select the currency to bill the customer in, and in what currency to read out his balance. A Cron job is setup to update the currency everyday, or as often as you like. It is updated from the Yahoo website. It can be updated manually from the 1-3-ListCurrencies? screen. This should be doen as a matter of course when installing the platform for the first time.

Run Service
Apply a recurring service to the account to remove money in the form of an admin charge at intervals. This is created under 1-3-AddRecurringService?. Only one global recurring service can be applied, and this is either applied to customers or not. This also relies on having the recurring service cron job set up and enabled.

Run Autorefill
Refill the card automatically when the balance gets below the minimum credit to call. This relies on the appropriate cron service running. The account will be topped up to the figure in the Initial Balance field. However, it is up to you to collect the money from the customer. You are assisted in this with the 1-3-AutoRefillReport? which will give you the core data for collecting the money from customers. The figure is set in the customer's own currency.

Card Type
The options are Pre-Pay and Post pay. For revenue protection, most opt for Pre-Pay, but post pay can be used. If post pay is selected, then the amount that the customer can be allowed to go into debt is set in the Credit Linmit field. The figure is set in the customer'sown currency.

First Use Date
Filled in automatically when the customer has made their first call.

Enable Expiry
There are a number of methods of expiring a card. It is important to expire a card. It is necessary to expire a card in a calling card scenario when doing the end of year accounts, so that you can show that there is no liability left on the platform. Additionally, "Breakage" is an important part of a Calling Card Company revenue. It refers to the unused part of a Calling Card. e.g. cards that have been lost, or expire before they are used.

The options are:-

• No Expiry, never expires. Applicable to long term customers with repeat business.
• Expire Date - set the date to expire the card below in the Expire Date field
• Number of days before the card expires from the first use date set above. The number of days is set in the Expire Days section.
• Expire Days since Creation - disable the card so many days after the card was created.

Invoice Day
Which day of the month to generate customer invoices.

Adds Tax onto a customer's invoice at the rate in this field, so this only applies to Post-Paid customers. You have two options when selling Prepaid cards. You can put the rates inclusive of VAT, or you can sell cards with a face value of X, for a cost of X+VAT

Customer Details
The customers lastname and other pertinient details. Note that the the email address is required for notifications and can also be used as the login to the WebUI.

SIP Account
Whether or not to add a SIP account to the Customer. Note that you will need to press the red button that appears to generate the sip friend text file and the then do an asterisk reload to apply the changes. You will be prompted for this under 1-3-ListCustomers if it is required.

IAX Account
As above, except for the IAX protocol.

MAC Address
Can be used to hold a MAC address possibly for the purposes of automatic provisioning of CPE via a TFTP server.

Currently In Use
Displays the number of calls currently in progress, and is updated automatically by A2Billing. In rare circumstances, of if the system has bnot been properly configured, this value can remain stuck at 1 or more, which will prevent an individual customer from making another call. If this happens, then reset the drop down to 0, and investigate the cause, paying particular attention to any dependencies required by A2Billing

List Caller ID
The list caller ID entry will only appear when editing a customer. This allows you to put in the CID of the customer so that the customer automatically authenciates to that account when they call in. The number should be typed EXACTLY as it is received by Asterisk, and CID recognition must be enabled in 1-3-a2billing.conf?
** หากมีปัญหากับอุปกรณ์ที่ซื้อมาเองหรือบริการที่ทำขึ้นมาเอง ให้โพสต์ถามในเว็บบอร์ดนี้นะครับ **
** งานเร่งด่วนติดต่อว่าจ้างที่เบอร์ 08-5161-9439 อีเมล์ iamaladin@gmail.com ไลน์ NuizVoip ครับ **
Diamond Member
โพสต์: 7080
ลงทะเบียนเมื่อ: 24 มี.ค. 2010 09:33

ย้อนกลับไปยัง A2Billing - Calling Card & Billing Application


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