ข้อความเสียงพูดภาษาอังกฤษใน Asterisk Extra Sounds ตอนที่ 1

Asterisk Opensource IP Pbx

ข้อความเสียงพูดภาษาอังกฤษใน Asterisk Extra Sounds ตอนที่ 1

โพสต์โดย nuiz » 26 มี.ค. 2010 11:56

เสียงที่เพิ่มเติมซึ่งอยู่ใน Asterisk Extra Sounds มีเสียงดังต่อไปนี้

1-for-am-2-for-pm: Press 1 for A.M, or 2 for P.M.
1-yes-2-no: Press 1 for yes, or 2 for no.

; ไดเร็คตอรี่ silence

1: 1 sec silence
10: 10 sec silence
2: 2 sec silence
3: 3 sec silence
4: 4 sec silence
5: 5 sec silence
6: 6 sec silence
7: 7 sec silence
8: 8 sec silence
9: 9 sec silence

T-changed-to: [T] has been changed to [Extension Y]
T-is-not-available: [T] is not available
T-to-disable-ancmnt: [T] to disable this announcement
T-to-enable-ancmnt: [T] to enable this announcement
T-to-hear-cur-ancmnt: [T] to hear the current announcement
T-to-leave-msg: [T] to leave a message
T-to-reach-main-office: [T] to reach the main office
T-to-rec-ancmnt: [T] to rerecord this announcement
T-to-rtrn-to-main-menu: [T] to return to the main menu
a-charge-for-this-svc: A charge for this service
a-collect-charge-of: A collect charge of
a-collect-charge: A collect charge
a-connect-charge-of: A connect charge of
a-connect-charge: A connect charge
abandon-all-hope: Abandon all hope, ye who dial here.
abandons: abandons
ac: AC
academic-support: Academic Support
access-code: Access code:
access-denied: access denied
access-granted: access granted
accessible-through-system: accessible through this system
account-balance-is: Account balance is
accounting: Accounting
accounts-payable: Accounts Payable
accounts-receivable: Accounts Receivable
activated: activated
added-to: added to
added: added.
address: address
administration: Administration
advised-to-seek-shelter: are advised to seek shelter immediately
after-the-tone: after the tone
afternoon: afternoon
air-conditioner: air conditioner
airport: airport
alabama: Alabama
alarm: alarm
alaska: Alaska
albuquerque: Albuquerque
all-circuits-busy-now: All circuits are busy now
all-outgoing-lines-unavailable: All outgoing lines are currently unavailable
all-reps-busy: All of our representatives are currently busy.
all-your-base: All your base are belong to us.
altitude: altitude
amp: Amp
ampersand: ampersand
amps: Amps
an-error-has-occured: An error has occured.
and-area-code: and the area code...
and-or: and/or
and-prs-pound-whn-finished: And press pound when finished
and: and
another-time: another time
approaching: approaching
approximately: approximately
are-you-still-there: Are you still there?(Disbelief)
are-you-still-there2: Are you still there?(Funny)
arizona: Arizona
arkansas: Arkansas
arlington: Arlington
around: around
astcc-account-balance-is: Your account balance is...
astcc-account-number-invalid: Your account number is invalid
astcc-balance-of-account-is: The balance of your account is...
astcc-card-number-invalid: The card number you have entered is invalid.
astcc-digit-account-number: -digit account number
astcc-followed-by-pound: followed by the pound key
astcc-followed-by-the-hash-key: followed by the hash key.
astcc-followed-by-the-pound-key: followed by pound.
astcc-login12pound: Please enter your 12-digit account number, skipping any punctuation, followed by the pound key.
astcc-please-enter-your: Please enter your...
astcc-skipping-any-punctuation: skipping any punctuation
asterisk-friend: Asterisk is your friend.
at-any-time: at any time
at-customers-request: at the customers request
at-following-number: At the following number
at-sign: at sign
at-tone-time-exactly: At the sound of the tone, the time will be exactly
athletics: Athletics
atlanta: Atlanta
atlantic: atlantic
attention-required: Your attention is required
attic: attic
auditing: Auditing
austin: Austin
available-options: available options
available: Available
avg-speed-answer: average speed of answer
away-naughty-boy: He's currently away from his phone, the naughty boy.
away-naughty-girl: She's currently away from her phone, the naughty girl.
baby-sleeping-mode: baby sleeping mode
back: back
backslash: backslash
bad: bad
baltimore: Baltimore
bar: bar
barn: Barn
barns: Barns
barometer: barometer
barometric: barometric
basement: basement
bathroom: bathroom
bearing: Bearing
beaufort: beaufort
because-paranoid: because we're paranoid
bedroom: bedroom
before-the-number: before the number.
believe-its-free: Can you believe this phone system is free?
billing-and-collections: Billing and collections
billing: Billing
billionth: billionth
bits: bits
blue-eyed-polar-bear: Try to spend your time on hold not thinking about a blue-eyed polar bear.
bookstore: Bookstore
boston: Boston
box: Box
brian: Brian
bright: bright
business-development: Business Development
busy-hangovers: We're all busy with our hangovers.
busy-pls-hold: All our lines are currently busy. Please hold and someone will be with you shortly.
but: but (not emphasized, like "all but me")
by: by
bytes: Bytes
cafeteria: Cafeteria
california: California
call-forward: Call Forward
call-forwarding: Call forwarding
call-fwd-cancelled: call forward cancelled
call-fwd-no-ans: Call-Forward on No Answer
call-fwd-on-busy: Call-Forward on Busy
call-fwd-parallel: Call-Forward Parallel
call-fwd-unconditional: Call-Forward Unconditional
call-preempted: This call has be preempted
call-quality-menu: Please rate the quality of the call you just made. Use the keys one through four to rate the voice quality of the call, with one being the best quality, and four meaning that it was very difficult to understand the other party. Press five if the call was prematurely disconnected. Press six if the call was never completed. Press seven if one direction of the call could not be heard. Press eight if there were other difficulties.
call-requres: The call you have made requires a...
call-terminated: call terminated
call-waiting: call waiting
call: Call
callerid: caller id
calls-taken-by: calls are being taken by
calls-waiting-for-rep: calls waiting to speak with a representative
calls: calls
campground-office: Campground office
cancelled: Cancelled
cannot-complete-as-dialed: Your call cannot be completed as dialed.
cannot-complete-network-error: Your call cannot be completed due to network error.
cannot-complete-otherend-error: Your call cannot be completed due to an error at the receiving telephone company.
cannot-complete-temp-error: Your call cannot be completed due to a temporary error
card-balance-is: card balance is
card-is-invalid: card is invalid
card-number: card number
carport: carport
carried-away-by-monkeys: Nobody is available to take your call at the moment. They have been carried away by monkeys.
cause-code: Cause Code
ceiling: ceiling
celsius: celsius
cent: Cent
central: central
cents-per-minute: Cents per minute
cents: Cents
cents: cents
ceo-office: CEO's office
chance-of: chance of
changing: changing
channel-insecure-warn: This voice path is insecure - do not discuss classified information or use project codewords.
channel-secure: This voice path is secure.
channel: Channel
channel: channel
charlotte: Charlotte
chat-room: chat room
check-number-dial-again: Please check the number and dial again.
chemistry: Chemistry
chicago: Chicago
chris: Chris
claims: Claims
clear: clear
clearing: clearing
cleveland: Cleveland
clli: CLLI
close-parenthesis: close parenthesis
closet: closet
clouds: clouds
cloudy: cloudy
coffee-pot: coffee pot
collections: Collections
colorado-springs: Colorado Springs
colorado: Colorado
columbus: Columbus
comma: comma
communications: Communications
company-dir-411: To access our company directory, dial 411 or dial zero to leave a message in our general mailbox.
complaint: Complaint
compliance: Compliance
computer-friend1: The computer is your friend.
computer-friend2: The computer is your friend.
conditions: conditions
conf-banned: You have been banned from this conference.
conf-full: That conference is full.
conf-hasentered: has entered the conference
conf-onlypersonleft: You are now the only person left in this conference.
conf-peopleinconf: people in this conference
conf-sysop: The sysop
conf-sysopreq: System operator requested.
conf-sysopreqcancelled: System operator request cancelled.
conf-youareinconfnum: You are in conference number...
conference-call: conference call
conference-reservations: Conference Reservations
conference: Conference
confirm-number-is: Your confirmation number is
connected: Connected
connecticut: Connecticut
connecting: Connecting
connection-failed: Connection failed.
connection-timed-out: Connection timed out.
continue-english-press: To continue in english, press
continue-in-english: to continue in english,...
cool: cool
cooling: cooling
copy-center: Copy center
could-lose-a-few-pounds: you could lose a few pounds
counseling-services: Counseling services
count: count
crash: crash
current-time-is: The current time is
currently: currently
customer-accounts: customer accounts
customer-relations: customer relations
customer-service: customer service
cyclone: cyclone
dallas: Dallas
date: date
day: day
daylight: daylight
days: days
dc: DC
de-activated: de-activated
deadbeat: Deadbeat!
decibel: decibel
decibels: decibels
deck: deck
decode: decode
default-attendant: default attendant
degree: degree
degrees: degrees
degrees: degrees
delaware: Delaware
den: den
denial-of-service: Denial of service
denver: Denver
department-administrator: Department administrator
department: department
deposit: deposite
design: design
detroit: Detroit
development: development
dew-point: dew point
dial-here-often: So, do you dial here often?
digit: digit
digits: digits
dim: dim
dining-room: dining room
directory-assistance: directory assistance
directory: directory
disabled: disabled
discon-or-out-of-service: The number you have dialed has been disconnected or is no longer in service. Please check the number, and try your call again.
disconnected: Disconnected
disk: Disk
distribution: Distrobution
divided-by: divided by
dns: DNS
do-not-disturb: Do not disturb
doing-enum-lookup: Doing an e-num lookup
dont-know-who-sent: I'm afraid I don't know who sent this message
door: door
doors: doors
doppler-radar: doppler radar
down: Down
down: down
driveway: driveway
driving-directions: for driving directions to our location, press
dryer: dryer
duplex: duplex
duplication: dupliction
early: early
east: east
easterly: easterly
eastern: eastern
echo-test: You will now hear your own voice in an echo test.
ed: Ed
eighteenth: eighteenth
eighth: eighth
eightieth: eightieth
el-paso: El Paso
eleventh: eleventh
email: Email
emergency: Emergency
enabled: enabled
encode: Encode
engineering: Engineering
ent-target-attendant: please enter the number of the extension to use for your target attendant
enter-a-time: Enter a time using 4 digits. Start with a zero for hours less than ten.
enter-conf-call-number: Please enter the conference call number for the conference you wish to join.
enter-conf-pin-number: Please enter the conference pin number.
enter-ext-of-person: enter the extension of the person you are trying to reach
enter-num-blacklist: Please enter the number to be blacklisted.
enter-password: Please enter your password, followed by the pound key.
enter-phone-number10: Please enter your ten-digit telephone number, area code first.
entering-conf-number: You are entering conference number
entr-num-rmv-blklist: Please enter the number to be removed from the blacklist.
enum-lookup-failed: e-num lookup failed
enum-lookup-successful: e-num lookup successful
error-number: Error number
error-number: error number
est-hold-time-is: the estimated hold time is currently
euro: euro
european: european
euros: euros
evening: evening
explanation: explanation
ext-or-zero: Please dial the extension of the person you're trying to reach, or 0 for an operator.
extension: extension
extensions: extensions
facilities: Facilites
fahrenheit: fahrenheit
falling: falling
falling: falling
fan: fan
farad: farad
farads: farads
fast: fast
feature-not-avail-line: That feature is not available on this line
feet: Feet
feet: feet
female: Female
fifteenth: fifteenth
fifth: fifth
fiftieth: fiftieth
finals: Finals
finance: Finance
first-floor: first floor
first-in-line: your call is now first in line, and will be answered by the first available representative
first: first
flagged-for-lea: has been flagged for retrvial by law enforcement officials
flooding: flooding
floor: floor
floors: floors
florida: Florida
fog: fog
foggy: foggy
followed-by: followed by
food-service: Food service
food-services: Food servies
foot: foot
for-a-daily-wakeup-call: For a daily wakeup call
for-a-list-of: For a list of
for-accounting: For accounting
for-billing: For billing
for-billing: For billing
for-english-press: For english, press
for-extended-status-report: For an extended status report
for-investor-relations: for investor relations, press
for-louie-louie: for the lyrics to louie, louie, press
for-no-press: for no, press
for-qc-and-training-purposes: For quality control and training purposes
for-quality-purposes: for quality assurance purposes
for-quick-status-report: For a quick status report
for-sales: For sales
for-service: For service
for-tech-support: For tech suppory
for-tech-support: For technical support
for-the-first: For the first
for-the-weather: For the weather
for-wakeup-call: For a wakeup call...
for-wx-report: For a weather report
for-yes-press: for yes, press
for: For (emphasized)
for: for
fort-worth: Fort Worth
fortieth: fortieth
fountain: fountain
fourteenth: fourteenth
fourth: fourth
foyer: foyer
freeze: freeze
freezing: freezing
frequency: Frequency
fresno: Fresno
from-unknown-caller: from an unknown caller
from: from (empasized)
front: front
ftp: FTP
furnace: furnace
gale: gale
gambling-drunk: We're off gambling and getting drunk.
game-room: game room
garage: garage
georgia: Georgia
gigabits: Gigabits
gigabytes: Gigabyes
gigahertz: Gigahertz
giggle1: giggle
gmt: greenwich mean time
go-away1: Go away!
go-away2: Go away (playful)
good: good
good-afternoon: Good afternoon
good-evening: Good evening
good-morning: Good morning
goodbye: Goodbye!
great-room: great room
greater-than: greater than
groovy: groovy
guest-room: guest room
gust: gust
gusting-to: gusting to
gusts: gusts
gusty: gusty
hail: hail
half: half
hall: hal
hang-on-a-second-angry: I said HANG ON a second!
hang-on-a-second: Hang on a second...
hangup-try-again: Please hangup and try your call again.
has-arrived-at: has arrived at
has-been-changed-to: has been changed to
has-been-cleared: has been cleared
has-been-disconnected: has been disconnected
has-been-left: has been left
has-been-set-to: has been set to
has-been: has been
has-expired: has expired
has-issued-a: has issued a
has-not-been-seen-for: has not been seen for
has: has
hash: hash
hash: hash
hawaii: Hawaii
headed-towards: Headed towards
heading: Heading
health-center: Health center
hear-odd-noise: to hear an odd noise, press
hear-toilet-flush: to hear a toilet flush, press
heat-index: heat index
heat-pump: heat pump
heat: heat
heating: heating
hectopascal: hecto-pascal
hello: Hello
helpdesk: Helpdesk
hertz: Hertz
high: high
highway: Highway
hit: hit
hold-or-dial-0: Please continue to hold or dial zero to leave a message in our general mailbox.
home: home
honolulu: Honolulu
hot-tub: hot tub
house: house
housekeeping: Housekeeping
houston: Houston
http: HTTP
human-resources: Human Resources
humidity: humidity
humidity: humidity
hundredth: hundredth
hurricane: hurricane
hz: Hertz (again?)
i-dont-understand: I don't understand. (emotionless)
i-dont-understand2: I... don't understand. (confused?)
i-dont-understand3: (faint laugh)I don't understand.
i-dont-understand4: I... don't... understand. (William Shatner-like)
i-dont-understand5: Um, I don't understand. (spoken quickly)
i-grow-bored: I grow bored of this conversation.
ice: ice
icmp: ICMP
icy: icy
idaho: Idaho
if-correct-press: If this is correct, press...
if-grtg-played-indefinately: if this greeting should be played indefinately
if-grtg-should-expire-at: if this greeting should expire at
if-maint-contract-or-emergency: If you have a maintenance contract or require emergency assistance.
if-rotary-phone: If you have a rotary phone, please stay on the line after the menu.
if-this-is-correct-press: if this is correct, press
if-this-is-correct: If this is correct...
if-this-is-not-correct: If this is not correct...
if-u-know-ext-dial: If you know the extension of the party you wish to reach, dial it now.
if-unsuccessful-speak-to: In case I am unsuccessful, you should speak to...
if-you-know-the: if you know the
if-you-need-help: if you need help
if-youd-like-to-make-a-call: If you'd like to make a call...
illinois: Illinois
im-sorry-unable-to-connect-to-eng: I am sorry, but I was unable to connect you to our on-call engineer.
im-sorry: I'm sorry
imap: IMAP
in-service: In service
in-the-line: in the line
in-the-queue: in the queue
in-the: in the
in-your-city: in your city
in-your-zip-code: in your zip code
inbound: inbound
inch: inch
inches: inches
indiana: Indian
indianapolis: Indianapolis
indicated: indicated
info-about-last-call: Information about your last call
information-technology: Information Technology
information: information
infuriate-tech-staff: to infuriate our tech staff with your obvious questions, press [X]
initiated: Initiated
initiating: Initiating
inside-sales: Inside Sales
internal-audit: Internal Audit
international-call: International call
international-call: international call
interstate: Interstate
intruder: intruder
invalid-date: invalid date
investor-relations: Investor Relations
iowa: Iowa
is-at: is at
is-curntly-busy: is currently busy
is-curntly-unavail: is currently unavailable
is-currently: is currently
is-in-use: is in use
is-not-in-the: is not in the...
is-not-set: is not set
is-now-being-recorded: is now being recorded
is-set-to: is set to
is: is
it-now: it now
it-services: IT Services
jacksonville: Jacksonville
janitorial: Janitorial
jason: Jason
jedi-extension-trick: This is not the extension you are looking for.
john: John
just-kidding-not-upset: Just kidding; didn't mean to get you all upset.
just-kidding-not-upset2: Just kidding; didn't mean to get you all upset.
kansas-city: Kansas City
kansas: Kansas
kelvin: kelvin
kentucky: Kentucky
kilobits: Kilobits
kilobytes: Kilobytes
kilohertz: Kilohertz
kilometer: Kilometer
kilometer: kilometer
kilometers-per-hour: kilometers per hour
kitchen: kitchen
knock-knock: Knock knock!
knots: knots
lamp: lamp
lamps: lamps
landscape: landscape
language: Language
large: large
las-vegas: Las Vagas
last-error-was: The last error on this line was...
last-num-to-call: The last number that called your line was...
late: late
later: later
laundry: laundry
lea-may-request-info: Law enforcement officials may request this information
left-bracket: left bracket
legal: Legal
len: Len
less-than: less than
library: Library
library: library
light: light
lightning: lightning
lights: lights
limit-simul-calls: To protect Internet bandwidth and maintain call quality, this system has a limit on the number of simultanious calls.
lines-complaining-customers: All lines are full of complaining customers.
linux: Linux
list: list
living-room: living room
load-average: Load average
local-authorities: local authorities
location: Location
locked: locked
locking: locking
login-fail: Login fail
long-beach: Long Beach
los-angeles: Los Angeles
loss-prevention: Loss Prevention
loss: Loss
lots-o-monkeys: (sound effects of many angry monkeys)
louisiana: Louisiana
low: low
lunch: lunch
lyrics-louie-louie: [
Louie Louie, me gotta go
Louie Louie, me gotta go
Fine little girl she waits for me
Me catch the ship for cross the sea
Me sail the ship all alone
Me never thinks me make it home
Three nights and days me sail the sea
Me think of girl constantly
On the ship I dream she there
I smell the rose in her hair
(chorus, guitar solo)
Me see Jamaica moon above
It won't be long, me see my love
I take her in my arms and then
Me tell her I never leave again]

Asterisk Sounds
Asterisk Core Sounds
Asterisk Extra Sounds ตอนที่ 2
** หากมีปัญหากับอุปกรณ์ที่ซื้อมาเองหรือบริการที่ทำขึ้นมาเอง ให้โพสต์ถามในเว็บบอร์ดนี้นะครับ **
** งานเร่งด่วนติดต่อว่าจ้างที่เบอร์ 08-5161-9439 อีเมล์ iamaladin@gmail.com ไลน์ NuizVoip ครับ **
Diamond Member
โพสต์: 7081
ลงทะเบียนเมื่อ: 24 มี.ค. 2010 09:33

ย้อนกลับไปยัง Asterisk SIP Server


กำลังดูบอร์ดนี้: ไม่มีสมาชิกใหม่ และ บุคคลทั่วไป 8 ท่าน
