A2Billing 1.3 - Help - Add or Edit DID

Open Source Calling Card/Billing for Asterisk

A2Billing 1.3 - Help - Add or Edit DID

โพสต์โดย nuiz » 23 เม.ย. 2010 17:11

Add or Edit a DID
This is the section where DID are added to the system. The DID has to added to a group. If that group is selected against the customer, then the customer can add DID from the list of DID in that group.

The DID is brought into A2Billing from the Asterisk Dial Plan using the DID switch. This can be manually configured, or brought in using inbound routes in FreePBX. The A2Biling context will look something like this:-


exten => _X.,1,deadAGI(a2billing.php|1|did)

exten => _X.,2,Hangup

Note that the number delivered into A2Billing from Asterisk needs to be an exact match with the DID you enter into the DID.

The process is as follows: -

1.Test the DID in Asterisk to ensure that it is turning up as expected.
2.Pass the call into A2Billing with the DID switch.
3.Add the DID in this screen
4.Set the destination in Add Destination.

Enter the DID exactly as received by Asterisk

Billing Type
This is where the billing type is set.

Fix per Month + Dial out rate - Charge a monthly subscription, and make a charge for all calls which go out via a trunk. The rate charged will depend on the customers rate plan. Calls that are made to VoIP destinations (not via a trunk) are not able to be charged. - there is a methodology of charging for voip calls, search the forum for a solution.
Fixed - Charge only a fixed monthly charge. All calls to any destinations are not charged.
Dial Out Rate - Charge only when the call is delivered via a trunk at the rate dictated in the customers call plan.
Free - Charge Nothing.

Start and Expiry Date
Set a start date and expiry date for the DID.

DID Group
Set the group that the DID belongs to.

The country label used for identification of the DID for the customer.

Yes or no.

Monthly Rate
Set the monthly rate in the base currency. In order for this to be charged and applied, a cron job has to be set up in the system. See the comments in /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/libs_a2billing/crontjob/a2billing_bill_diduse.php for more information on setting this up.

Submit the changes

Adding a Destination
The the Add sestination screen you can forward calls to other destinations.

Note that if a call goes out via a trunk, then the call will be charged at a per minute rate, assuming you have set this as your pricing model, but where a call goes out directly over VOIP, not via a trunk, there will be no perminute charge applied.

Set the destination here. It is necessary to tell A2Billing the technologly being used to deliver the call, e.g. SIP/ IAX2/ ZAP/ or local/

To forward to a SIP friend on the system
In the destination type


where 123456 is the card number

A per minute charge will not be applied

Set Voip call = yes

To forward to an IAX friend on the system ¶
In the destination type


where 123456 is the card number.

Optionally, you can type iax2/123456/555654321 where 555654321 is a DID on your asterisk system, and therefore will match on your inbound route for that DID.

A per minute charge will not be applied

Set Voip call = yes

Forwarding to a SIP destination
Most SIP addresses are in the form user@DomainName?.com so simply point to sip/joe@domain.com

A per minute charge will not be applied

Set Voip call = yes

Forwarding to the PSTN
Simply type in the the number of divert, exactly as A2Billing expects so see it. e.g. 441179117933

The call will be charged according the to the customer's call plan as the call is going out via a trunk.

Set Voip call = no

Forwarding to a Local Extension Number
To forward a call to a local number, e.g. an extension on FreePBX, type:-


where 246 is the extension number and from-internal is the context in which the extension sits.

Set Voip call = yes

ID Card
Select the card number to be charged for this DID.

Select DID
Select the DID entered in the Add DID section

Yes / No - Switch it on or off

There are up to 5 priorities, where the call will fail over if the destination is unavailable.

The suggested use is to put a VoIP destination as priority 1, and a landline or mobile as priority 2. If the VoIP destination is unavailable, then it will try the landline.

If both are set to priority 1, then it will call both destinations simultaneously.

VoIP Call
Set VoIP Call = yes if the destination is VoIP, see the examples above.

Set VoIP call = No if the call is to go out via a trunk irrespective of whether the trunk is a VoIP trunk or not.

Confirm Data
Confirm Data to apply the settings.
** หากมีปัญหากับอุปกรณ์ที่ซื้อมาเองหรือบริการที่ทำขึ้นมาเอง ให้โพสต์ถามในเว็บบอร์ดนี้นะครับ **
** งานเร่งด่วนติดต่อว่าจ้างที่เบอร์ 08-5161-9439 อีเมล์ iamaladin@gmail.com ไลน์ NuizVoip ครับ **
Diamond Member
โพสต์: 7081
ลงทะเบียนเมื่อ: 24 มี.ค. 2010 09:33

ย้อนกลับไปยัง A2Billing - Calling Card & Billing Application


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