Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184
== Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
== Using SIP VRTP TOS bits 136
== Using SIP VRTP CoS mark 6
-- Executing [105@from-internal:1] Macro("SIP/103-0000008a", "exten-vm,novm,105") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-exten-vm:1] Macro("SIP/103-0000008a", "user-callerid") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-user-callerid:1] Set("SIP/103-0000008a", "AMPUSER=103") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-user-callerid:2] GotoIf("SIP/103-0000008a", "0?report") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-user-callerid:3] ExecIf("SIP/103-0000008a", "1?Set(REALCALLERIDNUM=103)") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-user-callerid:4] Set("SIP/103-0000008a", "AMPUSER=103") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-user-callerid:5] Set("SIP/103-0000008a", "AMPUSERCIDNAME=VP1") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-user-callerid:6] GotoIf("SIP/103-0000008a", "0?report") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-user-callerid:7] Set("SIP/103-0000008a", "AMPUSERCID=103") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-user-callerid:8] Set("SIP/103-0000008a", "CALLERID(all)="VP1" <103>") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-user-callerid:9] ExecIf("SIP/103-0000008a", "0?Set(CHANNEL(language)=)") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-user-callerid:10] GotoIf("SIP/103-0000008a", "0?continue") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-user-callerid:11] Set("SIP/103-0000008a", "__TTL=64") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-user-callerid:12] GotoIf("SIP/103-0000008a", "1?continue") in new stack
-- Goto (macro-user-callerid,s,19)
-- Executing [s@macro-user-callerid:19] NoOp("SIP/103-0000008a", "Using CallerID "VP1" <103>") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-exten-vm:2] Set("SIP/103-0000008a", "RingGroupMethod=none") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-exten-vm:3] Set("SIP/103-0000008a", "VMBOX=novm") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-exten-vm:4] Set("SIP/103-0000008a", "EXTTOCALL=105") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-exten-vm:5] Set("SIP/103-0000008a", "CFUEXT=") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-exten-vm:6] Set("SIP/103-0000008a", "CFBEXT=") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-exten-vm:7] Set("SIP/103-0000008a", "RT=""") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-exten-vm:8] Macro("SIP/103-0000008a", "record-enable,105,IN") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-record-enable:1] MacroExit("SIP/103-0000008a", "") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-exten-vm:9] Macro("SIP/103-0000008a", "dial,"",tr,105") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-dial:1] GotoIf("SIP/103-0000008a", "1?dial") in new stack
-- Goto (macro-dial,s,3)
-- Executing [s@macro-dial:3] AGI("SIP/103-0000008a", "dialparties.agi") in new stack
-- Launched AGI Script /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/dialparties.agi
-- <SIP/103-0000008a>AGI Script dialparties.agi completed, returning 0
-- Executing [s@macro-dial:4] NoOp("SIP/103-0000008a", "Returned from dialparties with no extensions to call and DIALSTATUS: ") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-exten-vm:10] GotoIf("SIP/103-0000008a", "0?exit,return") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-exten-vm:11] Set("SIP/103-0000008a", "SV_DIALSTATUS=") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-exten-vm:12] GosubIf("SIP/103-0000008a", "0?docfu,1") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-exten-vm:13] GosubIf("SIP/103-0000008a", "0?docfb,1") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-exten-vm:14] Set("SIP/103-0000008a", "DIALSTATUS=") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-exten-vm:15] NoOp("SIP/103-0000008a", "Voicemail is 'novm'") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-exten-vm:16] GotoIf("SIP/103-0000008a", "1?s-,1") in new stack
-- Goto (macro-exten-vm,s-,1)
-- Executing [105@from-internal:2] Goto("SIP/103-0000008a", ",return,1") in new stack
-- Goto (from-internal,return,1)
-- Executing [return@from-internal:1] NoOp("SIP/103-0000008a", "Catch-All DID Match - Found return - You probably want a DID for this.") in new stack
-- Executing [return@from-internal:2] Goto("SIP/103-0000008a", "ext-did,s,1") in new stack
-- Goto (ext-did,s,1)
-- Executing [s@ext-did:1] Set("SIP/103-0000008a", "__FROM_DID=s") in new stack
-- Executing [s@ext-did:2] Gosub("SIP/103-0000008a", "app-blacklist-check,s,1") in new stack
-- Executing [s@app-blacklist-check:1] GotoIf("SIP/103-0000008a", "0?blacklisted") in new stack
-- Executing [s@app-blacklist-check:2] Return("SIP/103-0000008a", "") in new stack
-- Executing [s@ext-did:3] ExecIf("SIP/103-0000008a", "0 ?Set(CALLERID(name)=103)") in new stack
-- Executing [s@ext-did:4] Set("SIP/103-0000008a", "FAX_RX=disabled") in new stack
-- Executing [s@ext-did:5] Answer("SIP/103-0000008a", "") in new stack
-- Executing [s@ext-did:6] PlayTones("SIP/103-0000008a", "ring") in new stack
-- Executing [s@ext-did:7] NVFaxDetect("SIP/103-0000008a", "3|t") in new stack
-- Executing [s@ext-did:8] Set("SIP/103-0000008a", "__CALLINGPRES_SV=allowed_not_screened") in new stack
-- Executing [s@ext-did:9] Set("SIP/103-0000008a", "CALLERPRES()=allowed_not_screened") in new stack
-- Executing [s@ext-did:10] Goto("SIP/103-0000008a", "ivr-3,s,1") in new stack
-- Goto (ivr-3,s,1)
-- Executing [s@ivr-3:1] Set("SIP/103-0000008a", "MSG=custom/greeting_1") in new stack
-- Executing [s@ivr-3:2] Set("SIP/103-0000008a", "LOOPCOUNT=0") in new stack
-- Executing [s@ivr-3:3] Set("SIP/103-0000008a", "__DIR-CONTEXT=default") in new stack
-- Executing [s@ivr-3:4] Set("SIP/103-0000008a", "_IVR_CONTEXT_ivr-3=") in new stack
-- Executing [s@ivr-3:5] Set("SIP/103-0000008a", "_IVR_CONTEXT=ivr-3") in new stack
-- Executing [s@ivr-3:6] GotoIf("SIP/103-0000008a", "1?begin") in new stack
-- Goto (ivr-3,s,9)
-- Executing [s@ivr-3:9] Set("SIP/103-0000008a", "TIMEOUT(digit)=3") in new stack
-- Digit timeout set to 3
-- Executing [s@ivr-3:10] Set("SIP/103-0000008a", "TIMEOUT(response)=10") in new stack
-- Response timeout set to 10
-- Executing [s@ivr-3:11] Set("SIP/103-0000008a", "__IVR_RETVM=RETURN") in new stack
-- Executing [s@ivr-3:12] ExecIf("SIP/103-0000008a", "1?Background(custom/greeting_1)") in new stack
-- <SIP/103-0000008a> Playing 'custom/greeting_1.g729' (language 'th')
== Spawn extension (ivr-3, s, 12) exited non-zero on 'SIP/103-0000008a'
-- Executing [h@ivr-3:1] Hangup("SIP/103-0000008a", "") in new stack
== Spawn extension (ivr-3, h, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/103-0000008a'
nuiz เขียน:1. เป็นเฉพาะตอนโทรเข้าเบอร์ 105 หรือว่าทุกเบอร์คับ
2. ตอนโทรไป เบอร์ 105 ยังรีจิสอยู่ป่าวคับ
3. ใน message บอกว่ามันโทรไปหาเบอร์ 105 ไม่ได้ จากนั้นมัน failover ไปที่ DID (inbound routes - DID) แต่ไม่ได้คอนฟิกเบอร์ 105 ไว้ ก็เลยเข้า ivr หลัก เล่นเสียง greeting-1
จากข้อ 3 นี่เองที่ผมรู้ว่าคอนฟิกผิด จะตั้งใจหรือไม่ตั้งใจก็แล้วแต่ ให้เช็คพวก followme, ring group, queues ว่ามีเบอร์ 105 อยู่หรือเปล่า หรือว่ามีอันที่ตั้ง number ไว้เป็น 105 บ้าง
ถ้าจะสร้างเบอร์ไว้เทส ivr ผมแนะนำให้ตั้งเป็นเบอร์แปลกๆ เช่นมี * นำหน้า เช่น *2222 ไรงี้ สร้างด้วยเมนู Misc Applications ตั้งเบอร์ที่ต้องการ แล้วเลือก destination ที่ต้องการ
เป็นเบอร์extention ปรกติไม่มีFollowme ,ringgroup หรือ Queues
** เบอร์ 105 นี่เป็นเบอร์ extension หรือเปล่า หรือว่าเป็น ring group, queues,...
105/105 x.x.x.x D N A 5060 OK (32 ms)
104/104 x.x.x.x D N A 5060 OK (24 ms)
103/103 x.x.x.x D N A 5060 OK (23 ms)
101/101 x.x.x.x D N A 5060 OK (25 ms)
ย้อนกลับไปยัง Asterisk SIP Server
กำลังดูบอร์ดนี้: ไม่มีสมาชิกใหม่ และ บุคคลทั่วไป 5 ท่าน